EU: Annual Implementation Reports by ACER and CEER

Energy News – 60th Issue-EU: Annual Implementation Reports by ACER and CEER

EU and EnC
ƒEU: Annual Implementation Reports by ACER and CEER
ƒEU: EnC’s Annual Implementation Report
Oil & Gas
ƒEU: Directive 2018/1581/EC on Minimum EU Petroleum Stocks
Competition & State Aid
ƒEU: Commission Invites Comments on Transgaz’s Commitments
ƒEU SA.44678: Support for Klaipơda LNG Terminal Approved
ƒEU SA.49180: Support Schemes for Self-Suppliers from RES
ƒEU SA.47866: Dutch Support for Compensation Linked to Gas Extraction Approved
ƒEU SA.48623: Prolongation of Dutch State Aid Scheme for Marginal Gas Fields Approved
ƒEU SA.38967: Greek “New Deal” for RES and HECHP Installations finally Approved
ƒEU SA. 51306: €3.5 Billion Support to Three Offshore Windfarms in Belgium Approved
ƒEU SA.49918, SA.50715, SA.50717: Three State Aid Schemes in Denmark in the Energy Sector

Oil & Gas
ƒTender for offshore Oil & Gas Exploration Permit
ƒProcedure for Indications for Incremental Capacity to/from Neighbouring Market Zones

Oil & Gas
ƒConditions for EDA THESS’s Tender on CNG Virtual Pipeline
ƒConcession of the Crete-Attica Interconnection Project to the IPTO
RES & Energy Efficiency
ƒSecond Regular RES Competitive Procedures in December 2018
ƒIntegration Conditions for Wind Farms’ Production Equipment

ƒAccounts Separation for Suppliers of Universal Service
ƒAll TSOs Proposals on Methodology of Cost-Benefit Analysis
Oil & Gas
Regulation on Natural Gas Supply Service for End Customers
RES & Energy Efficiency
ƒTender on the Construction of Large-Scale Solar Plant

ƒAdvice Regarding the China’s Exim Bank Loan Guarantees for Tuzla7 Project

ƒFramework Conditions for the Implementation of Smart Meters
RES & Energy Efficiency
ƒNew Changes to the Renewables Incentives Scheme
ƒMandatory Quota for the Acquisition of Green Certificates

Oil & Gas
ƒDestination Clause from Gas Supply Agreement with Russia Removed
ƒTPA Exemption for the New Natural Gas Interconnector Approved by AERS

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