
Energy News – Strategic Energy Technology Plan Energy Markets EU: Commission Publishes Communication on Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan Electricity EU: Member States Approve Network Code on High Voltage Direct Current Connectionsother news:Croatia: Government Adopts Regulation on Amendments to the Electricity Market ActŒGreece: Energy Regulator Publishes Instructions to Electricity SuppliersŒGreece: News on Opening of the...
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EU Competition Law Amendments to Procedural Rules On November 2014, the Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on certain rules governingactions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and ofthe European Union was adopted, having the aim to ensure that victims of antitrust...
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Arbitration News – New ruling on implied waiver of setting-aside proceedings (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration Newsletter of the ILO on September 3, 2015) The principle that a valid waiver of setting–aside proceedings before an award is rendered can beimplied when it is contained in an agreement ratified by law does...
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Prohibition of short selling up to the 30th September 2015 Following the re-opening of the Hellenic Capital Markets, the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission had issued its decision No. 726/03.08.2015, under which, it had prohibited the short selling of shares and the transactions in any financial instrument which would create or increase a net short position...
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Reopening of the Hellenic Capital Market After more than one month of suspension of its operation, the Hellenic Capital Market reopened on Monday, 03.08.2015, following a Ministerial Decision dated 31.12.2015, which regulates the operational details, and a decision of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission dated 03.08.2015. Ministerial Decision (31.12.2015) Lifting of the restrictions of the...
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Energy News – Greek Gas Retail Market ENERGY MARKETS EU: Commission Initiates Public Consultation on Assessment of theIntergovernmental Agreements Decision EU: CEER Publishes Response to the European Commission Consultation on OTCDerivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories EU/Greece: Recent Developments in the Implementation of REMIT by ACER andthe Greek Market Operator Greece: Energy Market Reforms Agreed...
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Capital Markets & Financial Regulation News – Bank Holiday-July 2015 “Bank Holiday and Capital Controls in Greece” and “ECB’s OMT Programme is compatible with EU law, according toEuropean Court judgment” From the 28.06.2015 a Bank Holiday has been imposed inGreece by means of a Presidential Legislative Act (PLA) onall credit institutions operating in Greece (Greek...
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Energy News – 26th Issue ENERGY MARKETS EU: Consultation on New Market Design for Electricity and Gas EU: Commission Launches a New Deal for Energy Consumers EU: CEER Publishes Conclusions Paper on the Future Role of Distribution System Operators Bulgaria: Energy Security Council to the Government to Coordinate the National Policy in the Energy Sector...
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Energy News – 25th Issue ENERGY MARKETS Energy Community: ECRB Publishes Report on the Status of Independence ofNRAs EU: Public Consultation on a Common Schema for the Disclosure of InsideInformation by Market Participants EU: ACER Publishes a List of 25 Pre-Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs) Ukraine: Draft Law on the Energy Market Regulator Returned for Revision...
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It is our professional satisfaction to announce that the Bucharest Team, succeeded in defending one of the important Banks on the Romanian market in a “class court action” initiated by 71 consumers. The value of the class court action against the Bank, by a gross estimation, was of 4,000,000 Euro. The consumers demanded that the...
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